CAROL ROMAN, Handbell Choir Director
Adult Handbell Choir rehearses on Wednesdays at 6:20 pm in the Chapel Café
It all started when…
Carol began directing at WRC in Sept. 1985, but has been involved with handbells since 1966. She has directed and taught at handbell seminars in N.Y., N.J., PA, MD, VT, OH, MI, and Ontario, Canada. Carol served on the Area 2 Handbell Board of Directors for 12 years and taught at their youth and adult festivals for over 25 years. Carols serves WRC by leading two handbell groups: “The Warwick Tintinnabulators” (4th-12th grades) and “The Warwick Ecumenical Handbell Ringers“ (Adults). Carol can be caught saying: “We are always looking for new people to join us in making a joyful noise to the Lord!” Carol also sings with the adult choir, and is a key volunteer with Back Pack Snack Attack. She lives in Goshen with her husband, Bruce, and their rescued beagle. Her son and daughter-in-law, Andrew & Lisa, and their daughter live in Raleigh, NC. Carol and her husband own and operate a theatre company, Creative Theatre – Muddy Water Players, in Monroe, NY.